Morning Brush Hour™

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Watercolor art to brighten the day

Morning Brush Hour originated with me painting watercolor art before starting my day. Admittedly it goes in spurts and it sometimes occurs at the end of the day. Nonetheless, it always comes from a desire to be connected to my spirit and G-d’s spirit.

I love how G-d puts such importance on the work of artists. How integral we are to worship, thought, introspection, and growth. It is a gift to be provided with these abilities, to share with others and spread the peace and insight we find there. We are essential to the work of the Spirit. 

I don't have all the answers, and my life certainly isn’t always rosy. Sometimes peace is complicated to find; sadness and darkness can often feel so engulfing. But, there are remedies, and often the work we’ve been given provides those answers. I once saw something written by a Holocaust survivor that deeply resonated with me; she said, "The opposite of depression is expression”. It’s in the process of creating, of making art, of using our gifts, that we find relief from so many of the things in our environment that can bring us to our knees. Morning Brush Hour often brings me this relief.

I know when I paint, that loneliness is banished. When I share my watercolor art, it touches other people too. When I listen and do the creative things I know I am supposed to do, I am happiest. Passion and expressiveness reach deeply into the hearts of others. My work helps others in many of the same ways it helps me. I am elevated, renewed, enlightened, and so are they.. Watercolor art.