Read my Latest Watercolour Blog Titled “Seeing the Gifts”
“Turquoise Trail” 15x22”
It’s almost June and in review of this year’s art progress I am decidedly not as happy as last year. I should say, happy about different things…. I had sold a lot more art work by this time last year, and overall had a great year, in that respect But other things are happening now that show me progress and those are the things I need to focus on.
First and foremost always, is my relationship with G-d. To know that He is listening and still involved is everything. Was asking Him the other day about what’s going on with my art, and this is what I was shown…
“If you follow My laws and faithfully observe My commandments, I will grant your rains in their season.”
(Leviticus 26:3)
And this…
“Blessed is she who trusts in the L-rd… like a tree planted by waters… it has no care in a year of drought, it does not cease to yield fruit.”
(Jeremiah 17:7,8)
A year of drought, maybe in sales, but in many other things, abundance and blessing. I just sold a couple of art prints to a new client, and they were prints of very recently finished paintings so it was a great encouragement.
And I am leaving later this week to drop off six paintings to a new gallery that is taking on my work. I am so excited about this! Won’t tell you which gallery just yet, but will let you know when I am officially there. Can’t even explain how affirming this is.
I’m also meeting other artists who are trying to make a go of it as career artists. We’ve all been at it for quite a while, so I am encouraged by them and feel I am not in this alone.
I record important moments in my art journal, so have put to pen and brush the verses I received above, I want to remember the things I am told, especially when they are reassurance that I have a Partner in my journey and Someone who keeps watch over me always.
My ongoing Art Journal…. recording all things important to remember….
The sense that everything is going to be great never leaves me. And I see already that things are coming together. It’s just a matter of looking at things the right way. My paintings are better than ever, I think, and I am taking some chances with them that I never would have considered in years earlier. But I love what I see, both in the work and in my life.
And I am grateful. So much to be thankful for….
Took a trip earlier this month with my son to Jasper National Park for the Mother’s Day weekend. What a treat! It was beautiful and inspiring and deepened my thankfulness. …For my children, for the landscape I live in, for inspiration, for innumerable gifts and how life and G-d continue to give. The painting above, that I finished this month, had to be an homage to all of that, and so it is of the Valley of the Five Lakes Trail that we hiked while in Jasper. So beautiful and the colours stunning. It was a challenge to match what nature had already done, but I think I managed to record its peacefulness and awe-inspiring beauty.
And so I sit here with great thankfulness for everything in my life. And look forward always to the surprises yet to come. I know without doubt that it is all coming to me still, and that I’ve found ways to share it with others….