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Fine art through ethereal watercolour - fine art
I have been painting landscapes for decades and have always found them the place I go to find peace, freedom and joy. As long as I get to share that with others, creation keeps giving and sending messages for me to pass along.
I have lived in the sunlight of the Rocky Mountains and the shadows of the West Coast of Canada. Both the ocean and beautiful forests have long been my favourite settings to get in touch with the deeper places in my soul. I have painted particular regions in the mountains, Lake Louise, Lake Minnewanka, and other ranges in Banff and Kananaskis parks many times. These locations never cease to give their gifts.
The seasons here in Western Canada always bring wonder amidst change. After long winters, I look forward to spring and summer's coming and the budding of new life. I can then paint the sunny days glowing from the mountains and shining on the waters. In contrast, winter is the season of the mountains, and I must continue to learn to appreciate the snow and cooler temperatures. However, there’s a beauty in winter that is all it's own. The snow shows off the beauty of each mountains' characteristics like no other season.
For me, summer is the time of oceans, beaches, and old-growth forests. On Vancouver Island, I am most drawn to the trees. Cathedral Grove is a favourite place to go, surrounded by ancient trees that are hundreds of years old. I have painted them over and over. Cameron Lake is another favourite spot; I have also painted, again and again. It’s solace and quiet, drawing me there over and over.
I look to the skies for all kinds of reasons that seem natural to me. When I talk to G-d, when I look for answers, when I want to connect with a loved one who has passed, when I want to discern the weather, it just seems like looking up is the way to connect with a higher form. I will continue to paint the skies to remember everything I love and have loved.
Israel is another place I love to paint. As a Jewish woman, its vibrant people and sites are near and dear. I would love to visit again and more often as it has been several years since I have travelled there. In the meantime, I go back through pictures of other trips and imagine visiting. Whatever fine art I am creating, I ultimately strive for the same things and come back to that again and again – peace, freedom and joy..